Simplicity means
clearing out complexity.
David Wared
The more capable of acting
and decisive man is,
the easier his ways are.
David Wared
Simplicity in thinking is to be clear and comprehensible.
Simplicity in feeling is to be pure and perceptible.
David Wared
Simply being is easy!
Not being simple is hard!
David Wared
Simplicity is
the completed acceptance and love
for what is.
David Wared
The more recognition,
the simpler it is to be.
David Wared
When you've let yourself go,
you are in simplicity.
David Wared
Simplicity is not in thinking
but in life.
David Wared
The relative is complicated.
The absolute is simple.
David Wared
The simpler a person lives,
the closer he is to perfection.
David Wared
Simplicity is a piece of the puzzle
to your completion.
David Wared
Simplicity is an inner attitude of
satisfaction and soulfulness
with what is there.
David Wared
Don't let the hour of scarcity be longer than the day of abundance.
David Wared