Attentivness is
perceive your inner presence
and at the same time perceive externally.
David Wared
Attentivness gives us the foundation,
to perceive highest consciousness.
David Wared
The more attentive man,
the more loving and peaceful his actions are.
David Wared
Attentiveness broadens your visual field,
your hearing field and your heart field.
David Wared
First step to awareness
is attentive perception.
David Wared
The attentive one is closer to heaven.
David Wared
Attentive people are solution-oriented,
they don't hurt the other,
but only perceive.
David Wared
An attentive person is a sustainable person
for future generations.
David Wared
Attentiveness means
living the glory of life consciously.
David Wared
Attentiveness is the bridge
from the invisible world to the visible world.
David Wared
Attentive people are responsible people.
David Wared
An attentive person is
an instantaneously present person
He is in emotional purity and thought clarity.
David Wared
With each breath, direct your attention to
inhaling love and exhaling devotion
to yourself and to your neighbor.
David Wared
Attentiveness opens the human being
so that he notices something.
David Wared
Attentivness also means cultivating an alert, clar, sensitive an conscious way of dealing with oneself and others.
David Wared
It does not need an attendant. It needs attentiveness.
David Wared