When you are benevolent to yourself,
the hardness falls away from you.
David Wared
The basis of benevolence is consciousness.
David Wared
Benevolence is working without comparison.
David Wared
Every lack becomes abundance through benevolence.
Every drought becomes fruitful through benevolence
David Wared
A benevolent person
is a bridge from heart to heart
and a ladder to heaven.
David Wared
Benevolence is balm for the soul
and remedy for the body.
David Wared
A benevolent person is a person
without hatred, without want,
in self-responsibility, a saint.
David Wared
The true expression
of man is benevolent.
David Wared
A benevolent person is a giver and a forgiver.
David Wared
By benevolence one can transform all lack.
Benevolence is a heavenly and earthly experience
and therefore connects heaven and earth.
Benevolence is boundless.
David Wared
Basic goodness is given to everyone.
David Wared