The place of unity in the body is your heart.
Your heart is the connection point.
David Wared
Love gives strength to change,
but love doesn't change anything.
David Wared
He who loves himself
cannot hate others.
David Wared
Love yourself a little more every day.
David Wared
The greatest potential is
love for yourself, to open yourself up to you.
You are closed to others,
if you are closed to yourself.
David Wared
Love is the best education.
David Wared
It's time to develop your own truth,
it's time to sense your own love,
it's time to discover your own freedom.
David Wared
Lovers don't hold,
lovers let go.
David Wared
Love that is free of attachments
is the love of the awakened.
Love that is free of distractions
is the love of the enlightened.
David Wared
I love my neighbour
simply because he exists.
David Wared
Brotherly love
is most empathic feeling for the other.
David Wared
Love extends the mind to comprehension.
Love extends the feeling to compassion.
David Wared
With the eyes of the tester, the mind sees.
With the eyes of openness, the heart sees.
With the eyes of trust, love sees.
David Wared
Look at your love,
it's all there.
David Wared
Love is
the unspeakable manner
of being touched on all levels.
David Wared
Love your neighbor as you love yourself
doesn't make sense if we hate ourselves.
David Wared
The secret of love says clearly
that everyone chooses freely and himself
what he wants to
encounter, experience and recognize
in this life.
David Wared
Your love is the bridge to
eternity, infinity and immortality.
David Wared
Man is reborn with every embrace.
David Wared
Again and again we separate ourselves
from the path of love.
Love, however, unites our parts to the whole.
David Wared
David Wared
David Wared
Love is the connectedness without being bound.
David Wared
Understanding your neighbor is wonderful. Feeling your neighbor is a blessing, loving him is the blessing.
David Wared
Love expands from us through humbleness, gratitude, insight and devotion.
David Wared
Anyone who baths in true love gives his heart as a gift to others.
David Wared
Love in the highest state of union connects out of its acting.
David Wared
Live the love from the Primal source until you yourself have become the source.
David Wared
The more love you give away, the more the earth becomes heaven.
David Wared
Love for people means dedication on all levels, dimensions and spheres. Only then devotion is possible.
David Wared
Don't talk about other people. Love them out of yourself.
David Wared
If you do not love your enemy, you do not know love.
David Wared
Love is not a virtue, but the birthplace of all virtues.
David Wared
Loving yourself is heaven on earth.
David Wared
Your giving yourself over from love into oneness is the strongest of all connections on earth.
David Wared
Not only are we born of love, but love is embodied with us.
David Wared
Self-love is present within you and inspires you in every moment and with every inhalation.
David Wared
Self-love is to fully consciously experience the realization of love within your own unique self.
David Wared
Self-love is a lifelong love companionship and love security to oneself.
David Wared
Self-love is the unique way to achieve, fulfill and accomplish being-love.
David Wared
By loving yourself, you all-experience being-love of all creation within you.
David Wared
Self-love is the realization of soul consciousness within you.
David Wared
Self-love is the purest, deepest devotion to yourself.
David Wared
Self-love is the beginning of acceptance of the highest love within yourself.
David Wared
Self-love is the conscious and pure acceptance of the full-responsibility for oneself and the basis for loving one's neighbor.
David Wared
Self-love gives us unrestricted strength to serve all living beings.
David Wared
When you love yourself, you empower yourself to love all creation unconditionally.
David Wared
Self-love is fundamental for the reception of being-love and the giving away of loving to one's next self.
David Wared
Self-love always enables self-miracles and always all-miracles.
David Wared
Self-love is realized through opening, forgiving and blessing oneself.
David Wared
If you have the courage to love yourself, you will receive the wisdom to humbly love all others.
David Wared
Those who long for love look to the stars. The lovers are the stars themselves.
David Wared
If you love, then love above all. If you do not love, then love all.
David Wared
Love more than you could love.
David Wared
To love is to unlock what is locked up and locked away.
David Wared
To love is to recover and give away all the treasures.
David Wared
A loving moment is a gift of infinity.
David Wared
Loving is the empowerment to do anything.
David Wared
In the moment of our loving, all issues are resolved.
David Wared
Your biggest fear is not even contained in the smallest of love.
David Wared
Loving is the most beautiful and the holiest way of encounter.
David Wared
Self-love is a unique, wide, deep and high way of loving.
David Wared
Real and true loving accompanies us all into being-love and oneness
David Wared
Being love is the all-confidence and balance in all universes.
David Wared
Every day, loving on earth expands, deepens and increases through your loving into the infinite being-love.
David Wared
In order to love, we may always be in love communication, love connection and love remembrance.
David Wared
In order to love, we may express our devotion and open our hearts wide to all living beings.
David Wared
In self-love, every miracle in our lives becomes possible and every miracle in all of creation becomes possible.
David Wared
Loving is to take self-responsibility for your own devotion to yourself.
David Wared
Part of love is warming each other.
David Wared
Your patterns are served by rejection. Your patterns are healed by love.
David Wared
You are never old - above all, you are never old when you love.
David Wared
The highest love is spiritual love. The deepest love is soul love.
David Wared
Love can truly be experienced beyond the body.
David Wared
If you are not clear, you cannot love purely.
David Wared
Wanting is always unhealing. Loving is always healing.
David Wared
After longing there is loving.
David Wared
Love is not needing, but serving and giving.
David Wared
If love is not experienced in oneself, the whole experience of man flattens.
David Wared
Self-love reconnects with the essential core as soon as you allow yourself self-love.
David Wared
Before you ascend, you must say, I have loved enough.
David Wared
The night of love is always the brightest day.
David Wared
Love accompanies us to the spiritual beings we once were.
David Wared
Love is healing and can be experienced in deep feeling.
David Wared