The way of searching is the worldly way.
The way of devotion is the universal way.
David Wared
After the search the longing begins.
David Wared
As long as you search,
you are in imagination.
When you no longer search,
you experience the wirklichkeit of being.
David Wared
Whenever you try to look for something,
you are lacking.
David Wared
When you start searching,
you lose unity.
David Wared
When the search ends,
the expansion begins.
David Wared
In search there is never abundance,
maximum satisfaction.
David Wared
The most important way is the way to you.
The way to you is not in searching.
You are you. Then everything is there.
David Wared
He who seeks always seeks in the outside.
David Wared
He who seeks goes out of himself.
He who longs, longs out of himself.
David Wared
The head-directed is in search.
The heart-directed is in longing and in expansion.
David Wared
Evolution is only completed when the longing is accomplished and is completed.
David Wared