Wise people stand
in serving for humanity.
David Wared
Wisdom always comes with far-sightedness.
David Wared
Wisdom is the highest insight-ability.
David Wared
Wisdom is the field
where the heart and the mind
come to terms.
David Wared
Wisdom is the art of wise living and the magic of compassion
for a just life.
David Wared
The inner wisdom is immediate and heart-guided.
The outer wisdom is limited and reason-guided.
David Wared
In order to live wisdom,
we must remember.
Living inner wisdom means
living unity, teaching peace
and leaving a shining trail.
David Wared
Wise people are living gifts
of the universe.
David Wared
The light of the sun releases you from the shadow.
The light of wisdom releases you from your smallness.
David Wared
The redemption of the ego takes place through wisdom.
David Wared
Wisdom can only come from love.
David Wared
Wise people make our hearts wide, our souls deep and our spirits free.
David Wared
Without wisdom, spiritual, glorious and holy work is not possible.
David Wared
Wisdom is the highest virtue to celebrate life.
David Wared
Be soft, warm and wise to anything weaker than you.
David Wared
When you teach, teach with wisdom. When you talk, then with meaning. When you love, then with devotion.
David Wared
Wisdom is the revelation of completeness, wholeness and perfection.
David Wared
Wisdom is holy and healing.
David Wared
When you are in knowledge, you persevere. When you are in wisdom, you dwell.
David Wared
When people talk wisdom, there is only silence.
David Wared
Wisdom is an expression of truth.
David Wared
Time has never made a wise man, but wise men have created periods of time.
David Wared
A sign of aging is that we forget many things. A sign of wisdom is that we let go of many things.
David Wared
It is important what comes to you. It is essential what goes from you into the world.
David Wared
The mind always sets limits for us, if we do not delimit ourselves.
David Wared
You cannot increase wisdom. You can open up wisdom.
David Wared