Unity is the highest value,
everything comes from there and
everything goes back to there.
David Wared
As long as man "sleeps",
he does not experience unity.
The moment he "awakens",
he remembers unity more and more.
David Wared
You cannot create unity.
It's there.
David Wared
Unity is a process of implosion
and then explosion.
David Wared
In unity there is multiplicity.
All is one.
Therefore there is nothing outside.
David Wared
Devotion and trust leads us to unity.
David Wared
is only diversity in unity.
David Wared
If the world is in war around you, stay in peace
If the world is in hatred around you, stay in love.
If the world is in deception around you, stay in truth.
If the world is in restriction around you, stay free.
If the world is in separation around you, you remain in unity.
David Wared
The final goal of man is connectedness.
The final longing of man is unity.
David Wared
The One is like the Whole.
The Whole is reflected in the One.
David Wared
When you are truly ALLone with yourself,
you're reconnected with everyone.
David Wared
Recognition of unity brings forth
accomplished ideas.
David Wared
Being is absolute unity without time and linearity,
without restriction in principles and laws.
David Wared
Unity is the highest and final answer to all your questions.
David Wared
Unity is the primal cause of all things and the sustainer of all things, without being a thing in itself.
David Wared
Allow the variety without forgetting the causing unity.
David Wared
Man has a striving for diversity. His innermost being has a longing for uniformity.
David Wared
David Wared
Unity is the all-creating, preserving and eternalizing truth.
David Wared
If you are not united with the ants, you cannot be in unity with the Creator.
David Wared
Real fulfilment on earth is the unity and connectedness of all earthly beings with each other.
David Wared
The eagle of unity is always united with the birds of peace, freedom, truth and love.
David Wared
Unity makes clear that there is no one outside.
David Wared
Do not wait for unity to approach you. Unity is your origin.
David Wared
Man has to align and unify the genius of his perfect art with the completed creator art.
David Wared
If you are ONE with you, you are ONE with me. If you are ONE with you, you are ONE with everything.
David Wared
Reach yourself, fulfill yourself, complete yourself, and you are in Oneness.
David Wared
Oneness is the UR-ground of all existence, all creation and all living beings.
David Wared
When I look in from oneness, I can change my perspective.
David Wared
Everything is existent in everything. Everything is one with everything.
David Wared
The realization of oneness completely dissolves the pain of separation and the suffering.
David Wared
All created is essentially ONE - diverse and unique.
David Wared
David Wared
All that has begun will be accomplished completely, whole and ONE.
David Wared
When I say yes to myself, I unite with myself.
David Wared
Unity doesn’t want to keep anything, but sustains everything.
David Wared
The oneness between the drop and the ocean remains, even if the drop separates.
David Wared
Unity is the source of the absolute.
David Wared
Unity is the all-sustaining.
David Wared
All creator-being and all creator-power are primordially based on unity.
David Wared
The solution to all questions is unity.
David Wared
Unity is inseparable in all existence, creation and living beings everywhere and forever.
David Wared
Even if Unity gives everything out of itself, everything happens within Unity.
David Wared